Saturday 7th October 2023, at 3 pm, let’s pray the rosary for Belgium and the world


On several occasions, Pope Francis has asked his faithful to pray the rosary, especially during the month of October: « Pray so that Our Lady may protect the Church, that She may preserve it from the attacks of Satan and so that the Church may bravely fight the evil in the world » (September 2018).

On Saturday 7th October 2023, at 3 pm, as Our Lady has asked many times in Fatima, we shall pray the rosary, in Belgium and throughout the world, for the Church, the development of the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, for the protection of human life and for peace in the world. The Church, mystical spouse of Jesus Christ, has the duty to transmit the Catholic Faith and Christ’s teachings until the end of the world. By administering the sacraments, She must also share out many graces to the faithful.

According to the popes’teachings, the Church wishes « that all Christian faithful may benefit from the protection of Our Lady who loves us all » and wants us to benefit from the fruits of Redemption. (Pius XII, encyclical « Ad Coeli Reginam » introducing the feast of Mary Queen)

A short time before her death, Saint Jacintha told her cousin Lucie: « tell everybody that God gives us His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary (…) and that She has the power to give it to us. I wish I could fill all hearts with the immense love for the hearts of Jesus and Mary that burns inside me.  Let us console these Hearts by praying the rosary in reparation for sins that offend their hearts and for the conversion of poor sinners.

Thus, by showing our attachment to Mary in praying the rosary, we are also asking for her assistance as we meditate the episodes of her life with her Son, Jesus, to whom she guides us. The prayer of the rosary reaches the heart of our heavenly Mother. She promised those of her children who pray the rosary, a very special assistance, ‘ a solution to all problems whatever their importance’ (Sr Lucia of Fatima).

Let this period of prayer, enhanced by some hymns, take place in serenity and peace, showing charity and respect to everyone in the surroundings and following the security instructions.

Humbly and full of confidence in God, we ask for the support of Mary, comforter of the suffering, in this troubled period. We confide our souls, families, societies, our country and the whole world to Her.

We invite you to form groups of prayers and send us their addresses so that others can join them following the locations on the map/or list attached on this page.

The prayer of the rosary is always said on the date indicated on the site unless otherwise specified.

Get together and pray! Join in and advertise those places of worship to those who seek the one Peace which Mary leads us to, that Peace which can only be found in God!

To transfer this information, you can download the flyers, print and share them.
If you want to help finance the printing of flyers (we shall send them to you, if you send us a mail at ), you can make a donation on the following bank account : IBAN : BE38 9733 5179 3772 – BIC ARSPBE22. We thank you in advance.

If you take photographs of a group of people praying the rosary in public, you can transfer them to us (it may encourage other people to participate) by mail at but, please, respect the faithful’s private life and ask them in advance if they don’t mind. If you send us these photos, you automatically give us a right to use them on digital supports as Instagram, Facebook and/or this site. If you don’t want us to use them, please mention a copyright notice on the picture before sending it.