Meditations for the Rosary ( continued).

The Joyful Mysteries (continued) :

3 – Third mystery : Jesus is born in a stable in Bethleem

Fruit of the mystery : Detachment from things of this world

Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Almighty God came into the World just like all of us, small and defenceless. He will save us not by force, but by the vulnerability of a child who requires tender love.

Mary, You “wrapped Him in linen and laid Him in a manger”. Your eyes, filled with delight and admiration, never left Him. No-one has ever contemplated the sacred mystery of life with such tenderness.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may find a place in their hearts and in their lives for each and every child, from the moment of conception.

4- Fourth mystery: Jesus is presented to God in the temple.

Fruit of the mystery: Obedience and purity of heart and body.

Our Lady and Saint Joseph went to the Temple because, according to the Law, the mother must be purified and the child must be presented to God.

You obeyed the Law, Mary, even though you had no need to be purified. You did this with a holy obedience to the Law of God and the Jewish people, so that by respecting these laws, peace and order may be safeguarded.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that they may respect the legitimate government and obey the civil and Christian laws, and so that our country may be an example of order through compliance with God’s commandments.

5- Fifth mystery: The Finding of Our Lord in the Temple.

Fruit of the mystery: The search for God in all things.

Our Lady and Saint Joseph were desperately searching for Jesus. No-one knew where He was. At last, after three days, they found Him in the Temple teaching the doctors, who were all astonished by His intelligence.

O Mary, You were searching for Jesus with an immense grief and worry. You tried to understand. “Why did You do this to us ?” Jesus wants above all to do the will of His Father. That is why He first goes back home with Mary and Joseph, and why He will later leave His parents’ house to serve His heavenly Father.

Our Lady, pray for us, for the people of Belgium and for all the people of the World, so that peace and understanding may prevail in families and so that many vocations may emerge in our families.